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Schwartz JB et al. 2016; Response of vitamin D concentration to vitamin D3 administration in older adults without sun exposure: A randomized double-blind trial; J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 64(1):65-72
Study design: Randomized double-blind investigation to evaluate the 25 OHD levels in elderly nursing home residents after 16 weeks when 800, 2 000 or 4 000 IU/day or 50 000 … » Mehr
Välimäki VV et al. 2016; How well are the optimal serum 25OHD concentrations reached in high-dose intermittent vitamin D therapy? A placebo-controlled study on comparison between 100 000 IU and 200 000 IU of oral D3 every 3 months in elderly women; Clin. Endocrinol. 84(6):837-44
Study design: Elderly women received 100 000 or 200 000 IU of vitamin D3 or placebo orally every 3 months plus 1 g of calcium daily over one year to test intermittent … » Mehr